Arrived in Tulita, it is 254km from Wrigley where i last updated the blog, we have again made some good progress and also enjoyed a thunderstorm induced day off.
It is Canada day on the 1st of July, as this was a Sunday the public holiday is today (Monday), the bad news is everything is shut and we are very low on supplies, the great news however is that there is a big bbq in the middle of the commuity. A fantastic BBQ too, no salad to be seen, just lots of meat and bread, a baked potato if you are watching your weight.
After my sunny weather prediciton on the last blog post we had heavy rain three days running, we pretty much slept through the first lot, only getting out our tents mid afternoon for food, it was much needed and we appreciated no sun for a few days. The wind hasnt been too strong so paddling has been ok in the thunder storms, the current has continued to be ok which has greatly assisted our progress.
We are well ahead of schedule at the moment so will likely take a few more days off in the coming weeks, we are both pretty tired with lack of sleep and distance covered.
After seeing out first bear on the day of the last post we spotted a further two during the next day (photos to come), thankfully we were at distance on the river so no threat.
We are getting into the swing of things now, wild camping every day is tough but you do kind of get used to it, that said i am looking forward to a bed or at least 2 or 3 nights in one location - packing up camp and setting camp can be hard work at the best of times, on occasion we have to haul our stuff quite far from the river. Finding good campsites is tough too as there is very little to choose from.
The scenery has continued to be beautiful, we have passed a few mountain ranges in the past week or two, the landscape has gradually changed, we are appreciating the variations.
I (we perhaps) plan to climb Bear rock tomorrow which is very close to Tulita, its only 1,500 feet so will only take a few hours, the views should prove to be fantastic.
There is also rumour (TBC) of a community pool in Tulita, a shower and a swim in water which is not freezing and without swarms of mosquitos is something to behold.
Edit - Since writing the above we have booked in to 'The two rivers Hotel' (the only hotel in Tulita which at this time of year can only be accessed by boat or air) the suggested camp spot was too far away (trying to justify it to myself) and to be honest i think we will hugely benefit from the rest, 17 nights in a tent is not always the most enjoyable coupled with the sun sleep has been thin on the ground.
Another huge benefit of the hotel is they have laundry facilities, I have washed my clothes in the river up until now but it wasnt quite doing the trick, when i am smelling myself during a windy paddle it really is getting bad. As i write this i am showered and wearing shorts for the first time on the trip, i can now distinguish between what is tan and what was just dirt. Sweet.
Camp site on 'Rocky Island' we slept through the first of the rain storms here, good camp spot! |
Evening view from Rocky Island, beautiful evening. |
Black Bear #1, we watched this from across the water, exciting to see our first Bear, thankful also it was on the other side of the water. |
Bear #2, we paddled alongside this bear, the bear didnt seem bothered by us one bit. |
My malet bought in Yellowknife has died, going to struggle to buy another out here. |
The storm brewing in the background, it was a beauty. The storm lasted for quite a while, not a huge wind so it wasnt too bad. Unfortunately the storms have caused the phone lines down in Tulita, they are flying in an engineer apparently. |